How Do I Get Rid of Algae In My Pool?
Show off your best cannonball. Fly high through the sky as you dive. Casually float the perimeter on an inflatable. However you choose to spend time in the pool, ensuring that it’s clean and free of algae is crucial for optimal enjoyment. Keeping the pool clean is the goal of every pool owner, and when something threatens the delicate ecosystem, it’s important to find a solution as soon as possible.
At Good Life Pool Care, we offer residential and commercial pool services and repairs to assist in the prevention of algae in your pool. Learn more about algae, how it grows, and of course, how to prevent it. Banish pesky algae for good with these tips from Good Life Pool Care!
What is Algae?
You may recognize algae as the slimy, green sludge that appears in lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. But what you may not know is that algae can grow beneath the depths of your pool, wreaking havoc on your filtration system and the overall health of the water. Algae are photosynthetic organisms that use the sun, water, and carbon dioxide to make their food. Much like plants, algae contain chlorophyll (the pigment that gives plants a green color) and utilize photosynthesis to grow.
While you may not be able to see it, algae are always found in pools—regardless of how clear the water may be—in tiny, microscopic amounts. As contaminants and windblown specks of dirt, dust, and debris accumulate, algae begin to grow quickly, clinging to the walls, floor, and steps of your pool. To learn more about algae growth and how you can stop it, keep reading.
What Causes Algae To Grow?
Since a still body of water, like your pool, is an easy target for algae to grow, it’s only natural to wonder what else contributes to the rapid rate at which it appears. One of the most common signs is the chlorine levels. When chlorine levels start to dip, your pool water is limited to the chemicals required to fight against bacteria like algae.
Additionally, if your water pump or filter isn’t operating properly, algae spores can begin to settle in and multiply across the water’s surface, as well as on the walls, floor, and steps of your pool.
Early signs of algae detection can include:
- High pH levels
- Still water
- Cloudy water
Types of Algae
There are an estimated 30,000+ species of algae in the world, but there are only four types of algae to be concerned about when it comes to your swimming pool. Let’s take a closer look.
- Green Algae: This is the most common type of algae found in pools. It starts out in small clusters on pool steps and in the corners of your pool, and if left untreated, can quickly make your entire pool turn green in a matter of days.
- Black Algae: The most hard-to-kill algae strain in pools. Due to the protective layer that shields it from pool cleaners, black algae requires multiple steps to remove completely.
- Mustard/Yellow Algae: Oftentimes, this form of algae is mistaken as dirt at the bottom of your pool. These resilient mustard algae can survive even the most aggressive shock treatments and chlorine applications. In order to remove mustard algae entirely, you’ll need to adjust the pH balance of your pool.
- Pink Algae: The least common form of algae found in pools. Pink algae flourish in dark conditions, but you can easily prevent it by brushing your pool surfaces weekly. Exposing your pool to sunlight often and maintaining the proper pH levels will also keep this algae at bay.
If you’ve experienced one or more of these strains of algae in your pool on a frequent basis, it may be time to contact Good Life Pool Care. Our professionals will assess the chemical levels of your pool and filtration operations and develop an in-depth maintenance plan that suits your needs.
Eliminating Algae From Your Arizona Pool
It’s much easier to prevent the causes of swimming pool algae from growing than it is to eliminate it after it occurs. By following these helpful tips and tricks, you can begin to notice a significant difference in the health of your swimming pool.
Vacuum Your Pool
Maintaining the cleanliness and health of your pool begins with proper vacuum maintenance. At Good Life, we strongly recommend Arizona residents vacuum their pools at least once a week. Should you notice substantial debris, dirt accumulation, or a significant cluster of leaves on the pool floor, it might be necessary to increase the frequency of vacuuming.
In addition to vacuuming, you should brush the sides of your pool walls on a regular basis to prevent any algae buildup over time.
Test & Balance Your Water
Not only can improper water chemistry cause algae to grow, but it can also cause damage to your pool and the equipment used to run it. In order to test your pool water and its chemical levels, you’ll need to purchase pH strips; these take only a minute to produce results. Simply dip the strip into the water, wait for the colors to change, and follow the indicators on the bottle. You’ll be able to see chemical levels for pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine, CYA, and more. We recommend testing your pool once a week, more if you’re using the pool on a daily basis.
Clean Pool Toys & Bathing Suits
Though this may seem like an obvious maintenance task, the way in which algae spreads can often be overlooked. If you’ve recently visited a lake or pond, the objects you used in the water (including your bathing suit) could be carrying algae hitchhikers. Before placing the toys back in the pool, be sure to wash them off with the hose to prevent the spread of contaminants. On top of that, run your bathing suit through the laundry before making a splash in the pool.
Leave the Algae Removal to the Experts at Good Life
No one wants to swim in a cloudy pool covered in slimy, green algae, and you shouldn’t have to. Thanks to the professionals at Good Life Pool Care, you can experience crystal clear waters all year round. We take pool care seriously and are committed to helping you solve the problem with our Green-to-Clean pool maintenance program.
Whether you’re looking for a team to eliminate excessive algae from your pool or want a convenient way to maintain healthy, swimmable water, you can count on Good Life Pool Care. With outstanding reliability and exceptional customer service, our certified experts have your back!
Experience the Good Life Difference
Located in Mesa, AZ, Good Life Pool Care is your #1 source for professional swimming pool services. Using high-quality chemicals and cleaning methods, we’re able to keep the water flowing, algae from growing, and the pool season continuing all year long. Call us today at (480) 269-5620 to discuss our service options and turn your pool from green to clean!